defDownloader(url: str, filename: str): resp = requests.get(url, stream=True) total = int(resp.headers.get('content-length', 0)) withopen(filename, 'wb') as file, tqdm( desc=filename, total=total, unit='iB', unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024, ) as bar: for data in resp.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): size = file.write(data) bar.update(size)
help_msg = '''{:=^80} [0] Show netcards [1] Start listener [2] Dump wlan status [3] Capture heartbeat packet [4] Crack the packet with a dictionary [9] Install aircrack-ng (If you haven\'t install it on your computer) [q] Exit {:=^80} '''.format(' Aircrack-Ng Script ', ' Made by GamerNoTitle ')
if __name__ == '__main__': print(LogoPrint) if os.geteuid() != 0: print('You need to run it as root!') os._exit(0) whileTrue: print(help_msg) Input = input('Please choose an option: ') if Input == '0': CardsInfo = ShowNetCard() if Input == '1': Netcard = input( 'Please type the netcard\'s name that you wanna use: ') if'wlan'notin Netcard: print(f'Unsupported netcard! {Netcard}') else: StartListenerMode(Netcard) if Input == '2': if ListeningMode: Netcard = input( 'Please type the netcard\'s name that you wanna use: ') NetCards = CardsInfo.split('\n\n') if'wlan'notin Netcard: print(f'Unsupported netcard! {Netcard}') else: HaveCard = False for i in NetCards: if Netcard in i: HaveCard = True if HaveCard: DumpStatus(Netcard) else: print( f'Unable to find netcard {Netcard} in {NetCards}') else: print('You need to start the listener first!') if Input == '3': path = input( 'Please input the path that you want to save the file (e.g: ./captured): ') PreviousPath = path channel = int( input('Please input the channel that you want to listen to: ')) bssid = input('Please input the bssid you want to listen to: ') netcard = input('Please input the netcard you want to use: ') if path == ''or channel == ''or bssid == ''or netcard == '': print('Invalid parameters!') else: CapturePacket(channel=channel, bssid=bssid, netcard=netcard, path=path) if Input == '4': path = input( f'Please input the file you want to crack (Default for the previous file {PreviousPath}): ') if path == '': path = PreviousPath dictionary = input( 'Please input the dictionary that you want to use to crack: ') if dictionary == '': print('You haven\'t specify a dictionary to crack the packet! Do you need some dictionarys? The avaliable dictionarys are listed below: ') dictionarys = requests.get( '').json() print(pformat(dictionarys)) option = input( 'Please input the name of the dictionary you want to use: ') if option == '': print('You need to specify a dictionary to crack the packet!') else: Downloader(dictionarys['data'][option] ['link'], f'./{option}.txt') dictionary = f'{option}.txt' print( f'Start cracking {path} with dictionary {dictionary}') CrackWithDict(path, dictionary) else: print(f'Start cracking {path} with dictionary {dictionary}') CrackWithDict(path, dictionary) if Input == '9': os.system('apt update') os.system('apt install aircrack-ng -y') if Input == 'q': os._exit(0)